
Replica Breitling Navitimer 8 Series Watch


I can’t believe that Brad Pitt is 55 years old. He was born in 1963, but he still looks so handsome and so charming. The maintenance skills of Hollywood stars are really not fake. The old man’s image on the screen has changed a lot. Sometimes it is a tough guy, while Sometimes it is a gentle man with tenderness like water, both can fight with muscles and talk about romantic love with innocent blue eyes. Tough guy + tenderness gentleman have made him popular for about30 years, so he can be considered the evergreen tree.

Wu Yanzu was born in 1974, and he is 44 years old. Twenty years ago, he made a stunning debut from the movie “The Love of the Young Boys”. He is a good performer and a good producer. Now he has also picked up the old profession as an architect. Don’t look at his gentleness, but he has practiced martial arts since childhood. He has made great achievements in many action movies, and he is also a standard tenderness + toughness model.

At the party held at the Phoenix Center in Beijing on November 20th, the two handsome guys appeared together. No one was willing to let go of the phone and camera in his hand.

Which brand is so big, and invites two East and West movie superstars?

The answer is Breitling.

When it comes to Breitling, watch fans know that it is a very “man” brand, major in tough guy style, and bold is its best adjective. The Breitling, which started with the chronograph, has a place in the history of the chronograph timepieces. Now the standard appearance of the chronograph – the two buttons on the top and bottom of the crown used to control the start, stop and return to the chronograph function is the invention of the brand. It became the object of many brands vying to imitate.

In Europe and the United States, Breitling is very popular in the field of professional sports and adventure. The timepiece on the wrist – “not only a watch, but also a professional instrument”, has become the favorite of the fans of the century, but came to other countries, this “tough guy style” road has gone very hard. Of course, there are little people who think they are very “tough”, but for most people, too much emphasis on sports and adventure is still too small to make success.

In particular, there is a fatal injury, which is to keep female consumers out of door, the size of over 40 mm case, not to mention that women are difficult to control, even Asian men should respect and fear to the 45 and 48mm case.

Charlize Theron Become the Spokesperson of Breitling Watch

However, this situation has changed since the new global president took office. In August 2017, Georges Kern came to Breitling as CEO. Georges Kern is also the number one person in the world. He was originally the CEO of IWC and was later promoted to the director of watch, marketing and digital business at Richemont. The primary change he brought to Breitling was to add this “Tough” brand to the “Tenderness” element.

Replica Breitling Navitimer 8 Series Watch

The transformation of trademarks and spokespersons is only the first step. The most important thing is to implement them on the products. In addition to continuing to maintain the brand’s iconic masculine models, the brand first launched the Navitimer 8 series earlier this year, followed by this time, this event launched the Primer series.

Replica Breitling Primere Series Watch

The loyal fans of Breitling who love the Tough style did not have to be sorrowful, since they did not disappear. They only added new series on the original basis to meet the diversified choices of different consumer groups. Then, let’s take a look about these replicated Breitling watches.

After looking at these replicate Breitling watches, you may understand the reason why both men and women like replica Breitling watches.

  1. Exquisite Appearance
  2. High End Quality
  3. Excellent Performance
  4. Affordable Price
  5. Various Styles